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Conversations from the Four Rivers Region

Posts Tagged ‘Will Wyatt

morning cram [finders keepers edition]

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The Justice Department is proposing to overturn 30 years of legal precedent by sharply limiting patents on genes.

~NPR reports the government surprised just about everyone when it suggested this change of policy in a court filing last week.

KENTUCKY~ The Dorena-Hickman Ferry is on winter hours. Smithland’s gone damp and the historic Gower House may end up a ‘frontier’ restaurant. Hopkinsville plans to be bigger come January. US-60 work starts today in Union County. What’s ahead for state lawmakers? Budget tweaks, school reforms and redistricting (oh my!). Poll: Almost half of Paul supporters don’t party with the Tea. Want to run for office in 2011? Filing deadlines are set.

TENNESSEE~ Study: Clarksville cops are underpaid.

ILLINOIS~ Brady won’t concede to Quinn in Governor race.