The Front Blog

Conversations from the Four Rivers Region

Posts Tagged ‘failure

morning cram (gay hospital edition)

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Obama <3's Equality

Obama issues a homosexual equality memo to the nation’s hospitals.

KY~ Reidland-Farley Fire pariah Richard Tapp gets fired. Paducah Police chase down (alleged) 19-year-old kidnapper. More in Christian County are returning their Census forms. We have no budget… Legislative FAIL! and Beshear’s puking mad. Several bills are now law: (1) bans texting while driving, (2) improves the state retirement system and (3) makes it easier for KCTCS students to transfer to 4-year universities. The jobless rate is the same as it was in January.

TN~ Henry County has a (sorta) new head football coach. Bredesen would sacrfice the sales tax cap to fix the $80m hole. State has biggest workforce increase in 5 years.